۳ benefits of Pomegranate and honey for health

۳ benefits of Pomegranate and honey for health

3 benefits of Pomegranate and honey for health

Pomegranate juice is exceedingly high in Vitamin C, making it a potent antioxidant and skin revitalizer. As it works to slough off dead skin cells, it makes way for your skin to receive new moisture. And since the juice is made by blending whole seeds, the resulting pomegranate nectar is filled with traces of the seeds’ oils. These oils promote skin regeneration, even as the polyphenols in the fruit prevent oxidative damage. Pomegranates also contain high levels of ellagic acid, which reduces the breakdown of collagen. Translation: Skin full of all the vibrance of a thousand pomegranate jewels.

Paired with raw honey, this is a true elixir for radiance. Honey is a natural antibacterial and cleansing agent, used for centuries as a preservative . It’s also my daily facial cleanser, and has helped dozens of friends end their battles with skin irritations, red bumps, and bothersome breakouts.

۱٫pomegranate and honey toning mask

This mask takes only as long to make as it takes you to deseed half a pomegranate and blend it up. You’ll need some kind of straining device (even a sifter or handheld strainer will work, if you don’t have a nut milk bag). The rest is as easy (and beautiful) as pie.


Servings: 2 applications
½ small pomegranate deseeded
۱ tablespoon raw honey


Blend pomegranate arils (seedin blender until juicy and fully pulverized. Pour mixture through a strainer or nut milk bag into a bowl, and set resulting pomegranate juice aside (again, careful here, as the juice will stain). Discard remaining pomegranate seeds and pulp.
In another small bowl, mix 1 tablespoon raw honey with 2 teaspoons strained pomegranate juice. Blend to combine. Apply half of mixture to face and neck, spreading evenly. You will look quite pink, but have no fear that the pink hue is entirely temporary. I promise.
This will keep for up to a week in the fridge.

۲٫Hydrate Skin

According to dermatologists, pomegranate juice can help replenish dry, dull skin. It is also a great source of vitamin C, which, when applied topically, can improve skin’s texture and brightness. Try this DIY pomegranate scrub when your skin needs a little pick-me-up. Using a blender or food processor combine 3 tablespoons of pomegranate seeds, 1 cup of cooked oatmeal, 2 tablespoons of extra virgin organic olive oil and 1 tablespoon of raw honey. Apply to your face, let it sit for about 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

۳٫Antioxidant Super Tea

Pomegranate Honey Green Tea is dripping with goodness. Green tea leaves are gently brewed, helping preserve the antioxidants. The tea is then blended with honey, pomegranate juice and unexpected notes of rose to create an Antioxidant Super Tea that’s buzzing with sweet, refreshing flavor.

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