Is it possible to treat toothache with natural honey?

Is it possible to treat toothache with natural honey?

Tooth decay is very common, especially among people who use artificial sweeteners. The use of sweets is very harmful to oral health. If sucrose (sugar or sugar) remains in the mouth, it is converted to acid by lactic acid bacteria. This acid causes tooth decay, so it is recommended to use honey instead of sugar. The antibiotics in honey prevent lactic acid activity and prevent them from eroding, so honey not only does not harm the teeth, but also Due to its antimicrobial properties, it strengthens the gums and teeth.

Is it possible to treat toothache with natural honey?

Methods of treating teeth with honey.

It is recommended to go for honey and vinegar for natural treatment of infections and abscesses of the mouth and gums because they are the best disinfectants for the mouth and teeth. Mix honey with vinegar and gargle with it every morning and night, while also massaging the gums. To treat gingivitis, chew honey wax like chewing gum and then discard the wax. Another effective way to treat toothache is to use a combination of honey and cinnamon. The antibacterial compounds in the mixture of honey and cinnamon relieve toothache. To prepare this mixture, it is enough to mix one teaspoon of softened cinnamon powder with 3 teaspoons of honey and apply it on the teeth and gums. Another effective use of honey and cinnamon is the treatment of colds.

Drinking lukewarm tea with honey strengthens teeth and prevents tooth decay due to the presence of fluorine. Traditional healers recommend treating teeth with honey to prevent tooth decay at night, lubricating the teeth with honey, brown sugar and rose oil, and then sleeping.

Regarding the properties of honey for teeth, it should be said: If sucrose (sugar or sugar) remains in the mouth, it is converted to acid by lactic acid bacteria and then this acid causes tooth erosion. Now, if we use honey instead of ordinary sugar, such as: by pouring a spoonful of honey in a teapot or a glass of milk, the antibiotics in natural honey prevent the activity of lactic acid and thus do not harm the teeth. This will also prevent tooth decay.



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