Be moderate in consuming honey.

Be moderate in consuming honey


Honey has many health benefits, but 53% of the volume of honey is fructose, and each teaspoon of honey contains about 4 grams of fructose, which means that if consumed improperly, it can increase your body’s resistance to insulin; So be careful that the amount of fructose you consume with the fruits you eat is less than 25 grams per day.

Remember that if your body is resistant to insulin or if you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or overweight, it is best to avoid sugary foods such as honey or any other sweetener, as it can make your body resistant to insulin. If you are in perfect health, consuming a balanced amount of honey can have many benefits for you.


To produce half a kilogram of honey, 60,000 bees must fly a total of 55,000 kilometers and sit on more than two million flowers in order to obtain the nectar needed to produce this amount of honey. After collecting the nectar, the bee stores it in its abdomen, where it combines with enzymes, and then the nectar is returned to the bee’s mouth and transferred to the next bee’s mouth. This process is repeated until the nectar is partially digested and in The end is stored in the hive. The bees then cool the nectar by fluttering their wings, which causes the water in it to evaporate, producing a thick substance called honey.




The beehive is made of a substance called wax, which comes out of the bees’ abdomen and then hardens. The World Health Organization (WHO) has introduced honey as a sedative that treats sore throat or mouth by creating protective layers. Research shows that honey, like dextromethorphan (the main ingredient in cough medicines), is very effective in relieving coughs and respiratory problems from upper respiratory tract infections in children.



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