what is Cactus Honey ? Benefits of Cactus Flower honey

what is Cactus Honey ? Benefits of Cactus Flower honey

what is Cactus Honey Benefits of Cactus Flower honey

Cactus plant 

This is a quite rare plant with limited distribution area, it can be found only in Arizona and neighboring states – California and Mexico.

The plant has a narrow area of distribution because it does not tolerate even the slightest frost and waterlogging. Saguaro can be found on mountain slopes and hills.

If the environment is good, it reaches a height of 15 meters, but the average height is about 10 meters. There are cases when the cactus with the water, contained in it, weighs up to 15 tons.

Flowering time of saguaro usually occurs in May and April. It has on its “hands” up to thousands of huge yellow flowers. They have a diameter of 8-10 cm (4”), and the smell resembles ripe melon flavor.

Usually they have four flowers simultaneously, most often they are disclosed in the evening, and close to the middle of the next day. Each flower contains about 5 milliliters of flower nectar.

Saguaro can give a large amount of pollen. Bee can bring 12 fully loaded with pollen sacs from one flower.

Pollen from the flowers of a cactus, as well as other plants of polliniferous Sonora, contains large amounts of antioxidants, which have been scientifically validated by laboratories of the Ministry of Agriculture of the United States in 2007.

Unfortunately, bees can not take all the pollen and nectar of flowers saguaro, because there are a large number of other animals, in particular, bats and white doves.

Honey, made by bees from the nectar of saguaro, is valued much higher than other cactus honey. Its distinctive features are low acidity, high resistance to crystallization, as well as yellow color and very pleasant aroma.

Also, bees can produce honey from sweet pulp of the fruit of this fern, it is very rare and has a bright red color.

Cactus honey ? 

Do you know cactus is intrinsically inflammatory and hypoglycemic ? You surely wonder how its honey could taste and it is decidely scrumptious !

It crystallizes extra fast due to the extremely high pollen content of Cactus Honey.

Rare and natural honey from a traditional harvest

Cactus Honey is a rare and pure honey, free of pesticides. Bees forage in the utmost peace and quiet, far from anywhere, to find top quality pollen. Then, a group of beekeepers collects the honey by hand.

Cactus Honey is halfway between the freshness of watermelon and melon. You can also use it in special recipes, whether sweet or salty, or in sweet-sour preparations.

Cactus Honey, natural cure for daily aches and pains

This is the honey you need to have at home to treat inflammation and sore throats. It is also very useful for newly parents to whom medicines are not always recommended.

In addition, it is a good ingredient for your natural beauty products: body exfoliators, hair masks, etc. Cactus Honey is very sweet and tasty. It can perfectly replace sugar for people with diabetes. It is an essential natural sugar which brings energy while keeping your glycemic index in balance.

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