Is ginger and honey good for asthma?

Is ginger and honey good for asthma?

Is ginger and honey good for asthma ?

What causes asthma?

The answer to this question can be manifold. Bringing it down to the main ones – obesity can be one of the main reasons and the other is due to heredity. If one or both the parents have asthma a child would have high probability of getting asthma. Common treatments can be proper medication, avoiding dusty or smoky areas, regular fitness routine can strengthen lung capacity.

Honey has been used as a natural medicine in cultures around the world for centuries. It has antioxidant properties that fight inflammation and boost immunity. Many people take honey for its ability to soothe a sore throat and quiet a cough. Honey is also a home remedy for allergy symptoms.

Asthma and allergies are related conditions, but there are some important differences. If you’re allergic to things in the environment such as pollen and dust, your body produces antibodies as a response. Those antibodies cause the production of chemicals, such as histamines. They are what cause congestion, sneezing, watery eyes, itching, a cough, and other allergic reactions.

Those same antibodies can also trigger an asthma attack. But unlike an allergy, asthma is a problem experienced deep in the lungs and upper airways. It’s a more serious health concern than environmental allergies. Even mild exertion can lead to an asthma attack in some people. Untreated, asthma can be life-threatening.

Why Use Honey for Asthma?

If you are looking out for alternative medicines for treating your troubling asthma, you can inculcate honey in your daily life. Honey for asthma is a better treatment than other expensive conventional medicines. You will be wondering how does honey help to prevent you from having asthma attacks. The antioxidant properties of honey boosts your immune system to protect it from common cold and flu that can trigger asthma. Honey also clears up chest congestion. The ethereal oil and alcohol in honey slowly clears up the mucus in the throat. The various minerals and vitamin content of honey such as magnesium, manganese, selenium and amino acids, help to clear the blockage from the airway in the lungs. Honey helps in soothing the membranes in the bronchial tubes. In case of severe problem one must consult doctor.

Why Use Ginger for Asthma?

Few clinical studies have been performed for the treatment of asthma in actual asthma patients. One case control study of 25 people affected by asthma found that ginger extracts could help control asthma by affecting the primary cells involving the symptoms in the airways.

Ginger has been shown to have tremendous health benefits. In the case of treating asthma, it has been shown to improve the effects of bronchodilators. While this means that it would improve the efficiency of the medications that are often used, it also means that natural treatments that act as bronchodilators are also positively affected by ginger. Additionally, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can help the smooth muscles in your lungs to relax, reducing constriction.

Ginger And Honey For Asthma

This combinational process helps a lot in treating many respiratory problems, including asthma.
Soak 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in enough water for overnight.
Strain the seeds in the next morning to prepare a decoction and dry the seeds.
Then mix fresh ginger juice, fenugreek a decoction and raw honey in a bowl.
Stir well and drink it twice daily (once in the morning and once in evening) till you cleared the blocked airways.

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