the health benefits of fennel and honey

the health benefits of fennel and honey

the health benefits of fennel and honey

Fennel is a herbaceous, perennial plant in the carrot family (Apiaceae). The growing season is 10-170 days in the first year and subsequent years, about 150 days. If sown early spring, perhaps even capitalize the first year.

The blossoms are made up of umbelulas, numerous short flower stalks attached to a central green stem, from which clusters of delicate bright golden yellow flowers bloom. The flowering lasts until late autumn, when given the first frost.

Because of the area it originates from, fennel demands heat and light and prefers sunny areas. It has reduced claims against moisture, because it has a well developed root system and a little sweat factor. Drought and prolonged rains during the stages of flowering and fruiting can seriously affect the production.

Fennel honey is quite a rare thing. We all know about fennel seeds (oftentimes mistaking them for caraway seeds) as we enjoy them sprinkled on different types of bread. And some of us know that fennel is a highly aromatic and flavorful herb with culinary and medicinal uses.

Fennel health benefits

– Digestive system: heartburn, intestinal gas, bloating, loss of appetite, and colic in infants;
– Respiratory system: upper respiratory tract infections, coughs, bronchitis;
– Female reproductive system: increasing the flow of breast milk, promoting menstruation, easing the birthing process, and increasing sex drive;
– Helps in treating visual problems (as the poem says).
–Other claims say fennel also treats cholera, backache and bedwetting.

Real Fennel Honey

As with many other plants we talk about real honey and infused honey. The seeds are so healthy that they are combined with regular multifloral honey thus obtaining a superior product.Real honey means honey made from the flowers’ nectar.

Fennel has become naturalized along roadsides, in pastures and in other open sites in many regions, including northern Europe, the United States, southern Canada, and much of Asia and Australia. It propagates well by seed, and is considered an invasive species and a weed in Australia and the United States.
In western North America, fennel can be found from the coastal and inland wildland-urban interface east into hill and mountain areas, excluding desert habitats.

For this reason fennel nectar is part of the multifloral honey. In meadows it grows next to other plants all the time, so it is very hard to obtain monofloral fennel honey.
That can only be obtain in fennel crops, grown by big producers in order to get high quantities of fennel seeds. If beekeepers are allowed

Monofloral fennel honey is dark colored, fragrant and with a taste of caramel. There are people saying they favor it to every other honey.

Infused Fennel Honey

– Fill a glass jar half way to the top with fresh raw honey (preferable multifloral honey, not blended honey).
– Add the leaves, chopped or whole into the jar and mix it with the honey.
– Add some more honey to fill the jar to the brim
– Tighten the lid and label the jar.
– Keep it in a dark, cool place for at least 2 weeks before eating. Warmth increases infusion of herbs into honey but it is not recommended to keep the jars because some of the honey’s health factors may be destroyed.

The best way to take is n your tea to help alleviate constipation and heartburn and to relieve the symptoms of PMS and menopause. But it can also be dribbled over hot breads and muffins and as a glaze for pork roasts and hams. Just for taste.

Fennel Licorice Cough syrup

۱٫ Lightly crush the fennel seeds.
– Put 1 ounce of seeds in a 16 ounces glass jar.
– Separatelly boil 16 ounces of water and then pour over the fennel seeds.
– Cap the jar and allow it to sit for 10- 15 minutes.
– Strain the seeds.

۲٫ Make a similarly made licorice decoction.
– Put 1 ounce of dried licorice root into 16 ounces of cold water.
– Allow the roots to sit in the cold water for at least 1 hour or longer.
– Then gently bring to a boil and turn heat down.
– Allow to simmer for 15-20 minutes.

۳٫ – Place 1/2 cup fennel tea and 1/2 cup of licorice root tea and 2 cups honey into the top pot of a double boiler (Bell-Marie). Heat gently until the honey and herbal teas have mixed together.
– Pour into a sterilized canning jar, label and use within one year. You can also add several essential oil drops of eucalyptus or perpermint, at your choice.

Fennel Honey AH

Here is a German syrup made of honey and fennel oil, to treat cough and upper respiratory conditions in children: Fennel honey AH. Already done, no need for a DIY.

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