How to Use honey and milk for Skin Benefits

How to Use honey and milk for Skin Benefits ?

How to Use honey and milk for Skin Benefits

Natural, wild honey has anti-microbial properties that can help treat skin conditions including dandruff, diaper rash and psoriasis. It also conditions the hair and repels wrinkles because it’s a natural humectant, drawing moisture from the air into your skin.

The use of milk and honey in beauty treatments dates back to the time of Cleopatra. She is famously known for taking milk and honey baths to keep her skin beautiful. Perhaps this was the secret to the mesmerizing spell of one of the most wanted women of her time.

۱٫ Help Moisturize Your Skin

Lactic acid is one of the natural AHA (alpha-hydroxy acids) found in sour milk that acts as an excellent moisturizer. It is a part of the natural moisturizing complex of your skin . Honey is an emollient and a humectant that can bind moisture to your skin and keep it soft and moisturized . For these very reasons, most skin care products use milk and honey in their formulas.

۲٫ Milk Keeps The Skin Firm And Smooth

A study found that 12% of topical lactic acid can help improve skin appearance by reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It also makes the skin firm and smooth . Milk has a mild exfoliating effect. Applying it to your face can have similar results.

۳٫ Honey Maintains Skin pH

Maintaining skin pH is crucial to prevent breakouts and rashes. An imbalance in skin pH disturbs the natural barrier of your skin. This can lead to skin irritation. Honey helps regulate skin pH levels .

۴٫ Honey Can Heal Wounds

Honey’s antimicrobial properties and methylglyoxal (one of the active compounds) can help heal your wounds effectively. It is also suitable for healing burn wounds and other skin issues such as psoriasis, dandruff, diaper rash, seborrhea, and tinea .

۵٫ Honey Treats Acne

A study found that applying honey to acne lesions can promote faster healing. Honey can also inhibit the growth of both P. acnes and S. aureus bacteria.

Milk And Honey As A Face Wash

Both honey and milk can moisturize the skin and inhibit acne-causing bacteria. This way, they can help keep your facial skin healthy and clear.

You Will Need :

۱ tablespoon of raw honey (you may use Manuka honey)
۲ tablespoons of milk
۱ bowl
۱ cotton pad

Mix the two ingredients in the bowl till you achieve a cream-like consistency.
Dip the cotton pad into the mixture and apply it to your face in circular motions.
Let the mixture sit on your face for 10 minutes.
Wash your face with cool water and massage gently.
You may follow up with a gentle cleanser if desired.
Pat your skin dry and follow up with a toner and a moisturizer.

Milk And Honey As A Face Mask

This face mask helps soothe your skin. Both the ingredients have moisturizing properties, making this face mask especially beneficial for dry skin. However, the mask is suitable for all skin types.

You Will Need :

۱ tablespoon of raw Honey
۱ tablespoon of milk
۱ microwave-safe bowl

Mix the honey and milk in the bowl until you have a thick consistency.
Put the bowl into the microwave and heat for a few seconds. Ensure the mixture is warm to the touch and not too hot.
Use a brush (or your fingers) to spread the mask on your skin.
Let the mask stay for at least 15 minutes.
Wash your face with cool water. You may use a gentle cleanser as well.
Follow up with a toner and a moisturizer.
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Milk And Honey As A Scrub

Oats, Fuller’s earth and ground almonds have a coarse texture. These work excellently well in exfoliating your skin without causing damage. The milk and honey in the scrub keep your skin hydrated.

You Will Need :

۱ teaspoon of raw honey
۱ teaspoon of milk
۱ tablespoon of ground oats/Fuller’s earth/ground almonds
۱ bowl

Note: If you have sensitive skin, use oats. If you have oily skin, use Fuller’s earth. If you have normal skin, you may use any of the three options.

Mix the milk and honey in the bowl.
Add ground oats or Fuller’s earth or ground almonds.
Adjust the quantity of milk (especially if you are using Fuller’s earth) to get a desired paste-like consistency.
Apply the mixture to your face and gently massage, avoiding the area around your eyes.
After massaging for 5 minutes, wash with cool water.
Pat your skin dry and follow up with a toner and a moisturizer.

These are some effective ways to use milk and honey for improving your skin health. If you already use DIY face masks, you can try introducing this combination as well. However, before using honey, do a patch test to check if for any allergies. Raw honey may contain pollen and can cause allergic reactions in some individuals.

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