Ten amazing benefits of honey on your skin you

Ten amazing benefits of honey on your skin you

Ten amazing benefits of honey on your skin you

Raw, unpasteurized honey has the most potential for topical application on skin. Keep reading to find out how honey can be applied to your face and help your skin.
There are several ways through which honey can enhance the beauty of your skin when used appropriately. You can use honey by itself or combine with other home remedies to achieve the look you desire. These are some of the beauty benefits using honey on your skin gives you;

Ten amazing benefits of honey on your skin you

Pore cleanser

When applied on your face, honey opens up your skin pores to cleanse them and get rid of black heads. Its antioxidants, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties allow it to help you fight acne by keeping your pores free of oily dirt while at the same time keeping them hydrated and tight to give your clearer complexion.

Gentle exfoliator

One common enemy of a beautiful skin is old and dead cells which may cause you irritation and itchiness. Using honey as your exfoliator is gentler than other artificial exfoliators since it is gentle on your skin. Rubbing honey gently on your skin also leaves you with a brighter complexion which is not the case with other exfoliators.

Cure for psoriasis

Honey for chronic skin conditions can be treated with a paste, spot-treated, or with a face mask that you leave on for several minutes.The most important thing about using honey to treat these conditions is to use unpasteurized honey, such as manuka honey.It’s vital that the honey you use still contains its healthy bacteria to be effective. This will activate your immune system and help with inflammation and redness, as well as heal blemishes.One way to use honey for your face is to mix it with other ingredients to create a soothing face mask treatment. Before doing this, make sure to do a patch test of the honey and any other ingredients to ensure you won’t have an allergic reaction.

Cure for eczema

Raw honey is packed with components beneficial for your skin, especially if you have acne or autoimmune skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. Even Candida overgrowth may be controlled by applying honey to your skin.

Natural hydrant

Lack of adequate moisture on your skin leaves you with a dry skin that is coarse and itchy. With its moisturizing and soothing effects, raw honey can hydrate the skin, leaving it soft, radiant, and glowing.
This is due to natural humectants and emollients contained in this precious product that increase the water content and reduce dryness in the skin even long after you’ve washed it off.

Reduce your wrinkles

Age is something we cannot stop even if we wanted. However, we can use products which slow or reduce the signs of aging in our bodies.
Using honey on your skin may not completely eliminate your wrinkles but may reduce their appearance. Honey contains a range of antioxidants, including polyphenols and flavonoids that help your skin deal with damage on collagen which in turn reduces your visible signs of aging.

Honey for skin lightening and brightening

Researchers haven’t drawn a direct connection between using honey on your face and lightening dark spots.
But since honey has exfoliating properties, using it on your face can eliminate dead skin cells that make your skin look dull. This can reveal brighter skin.
After washing your face with soap and water, apply manuka honey or another variety of unpasteurized, raw honey to your face. If you’d like, dilute the honey with purified water to make it less sticky and easier to remove. Leave the honey on your skin for several minutes before rinsing off.

Scar healing

Having scars on your ski can affect your self-esteem and how you relate with others. However, using honey on its own or with other remedies minimizes any inflammation and helps heal your skin faster.
Its natural moisturizer, natural antiseptic, and the anti-oxidant properties repairs your damaged skin and speeds up the disappearing of scars from pimples, acne or any other cause.

Cure for acne and pimples

Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, using honey on your skin, especially your face removes excess oil from the surface hence clearing out any blockages or clogged pores.
This clogged pores if left unattended are the leading cause of acne and pimples on your face.


Full of probiotics, antioxidants, nutrients and enzymes, honey is incredibly nourishing and the perfect aid in anti-aging since it helps plump and hydrate your skin, and prevent free-radical damage.
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It attracts and retains moisture, and rebuild the moisture level without making your skin oily. It also provides a calming effect without irritating the skin, and helps replenish necessary skin moisture giving your skin anti-aging properties.

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