Is Honey Good for scratches?

Is Honey Good for scratches?

Is Honey Good for scratches?

If you’ve gotten into a summer scrape, literally, you’ll need to know the basics for healing — and reaching for a jar of honey is one of them.

Summer is a time for cuts and scrapes, both for kids and adults. We’re outside weeding, trimming, going barefoot, and skateboarding — and things happen: We fall, we slip, we scrape on the picnic table edge, we spear ourselves with the barbecue fork.

Is Honey Good for scratches?

The two operative words for dealing with a cut (laceration) or scrape (abrasion) are: 1. Clean. 2. Immediately.

First, let a little blood flow out — this actually helps heal the wound. Then pour water over it, wash it with mild soap, and rinse it again. (Don’t use antibacterial soaps that contain triclosan, which can be bad for you.)

Carefully remove any grass, asphalt, or other solid material that might infect the wound, and rinse again. If the scrape or cut will come in contact with daily dirt, be sure to cover it with gauze and tape.

In the case of a deeper, freely bleeding cut:

Step 1: Staunch the flow. With a clean piece of gauze or cloth apply firm, steady pressure with your hand. Hold it for 5 minutes, helping the blood clot.

Step 2: Try to hold the bleeding part — usually an arm, hand, or leg (as you’re lying down) above your heart.

Step 3: Don’t peek at progress: This disrupts the clotting and healing process.

Step 4: If blood soaks through the gauze, don’t change it. Just pile more on top, and keep pressing. Once the flow has stopped and the cloth sticks to the blood, just leave it alone.

For small cuts and scrapes whose blood flow is under control, try this soothing remedy using honey and aloe. Since ancient times, the gel of the aloe vera plant, with its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and soothing properties, has been used to heal wounds.

Honey, too, has these properties and has been used to treat cuts, scrapes, and deeper wounds for centuries. The ancient Egyptians even buried it with the dead for use in the afterlife. A recent test of honey found in one tomb showed that its antibacterial properties were still intact!

With advancements in creams, gels, and ointments over the past century, honey’s health benefits were overlooked. But it’s making a comeback. Honey-impregnated dressings are being applied to the most stubborn wounds. Manuka honey, made by the bees that feed on the New Zealand manuka bush has especially high antibacterial activity, and has even been used to treat the drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus called MRSA.

Try this honey-aloe remedy on your next backyard bump, then put up your feet as the dynamic duo works its magic. While featured in our 500 Time Tested Home Remedies and the Science Behind Them, this special mix was recorded as early as 70 B.C. by the Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder (minus the refrigerator):

Blend 1 tablespoon of honey with 1 tablespoon of fresh Aloe vera gel or com-mercially prepared aloe gel (with at least 99 percent Aloe vera).
Spread it across the clean wound.
Refrigerate the rest in a jar and use as needed.

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