Cucumber And Honey Mask

Cucumber And Honey Mask

Cucumber Honey Mask

Forget buying those expensive face masks at the beauty supply or department store.

How Does Honey Help Your Face?

Honey is packed with nutrients that benefit your skin. It contains antioxidants that can help slow signs of aging, and it has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe redness and minimize acne.

Honey is an unbeatable skincare ingredient by itself, but to increase the benefits, even more, this honey face mask includes turmeric, a spice that can reduce inflammation and bring out your natural glow.

Raw (unpasteurized) honey is chock full of antioxidants to help fight wrinkles and aging skin. In fact, Cleopatra was a huge fan of honey and used it regularly for her beauty routine.1

Honey is also a natural antibacterial, which helps to prevent and fight acne, purifier (gently unclogs pores), and moisturizer (draws moisture into the skin and leaves skin feeling soft).

Cucumber Honey Mask

۱٫ ۱/۲ cucumber
۲٫ ۲ tbsp honey or aloe vera

The honey in this mask promotes elasticity of the skin through its exfoliating properties. Honey also promotes new tissue growth which leads to better looking skin. You can also substitute the honey with aloe vera, which has equally beneficial properties.

To make this mask,Peel and puree the cucumber and then add 1 spoon of honey or aloe vera.

This cooling, soothing mask will help smooth your skin, which can often feel rough from acne.

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