Honey for Wrinkles Under Eyes

Honey for Wrinkles Under Eyes

Most of us have honey at home and now it’s time you know how to use Honey for Wrinkles Under Eyes! Generally, honey is an amazing food with many benefits when we eat it. But, you can also apply it on your skin to treat many skin issues. 

Simply, honey has many minerals, vitamins and other beneficial properties that you must use for your advantage. I personally replace sugar with honey because it’s healthier.

But, you don’t use honey in your food, then, you must get it for your skin. Raw honey has powerful antibacterial and anti-aging abilities. Moreover, it’s a natural cleanser for your skin overall, a skin moisturizer and lubricant.


How Honey Benefits Your Skin?

  • It is antibacterial and antifungal that fights debris on the skin. It cleanses the pores from debris that settle into it and cause breakouts.
  • Its natural polysaccharides (sugars) have enzymes that promote your skin cell’s functionality.
  • A natural cleanser to remove dirt and clear your skin clear without drying it out.
  • It fights inflammations, prevents skin irritation and reduces redness.
  • It protects pH levels and skin oils by moisturizing it.
  • Acne and pimple treatment by fighting specific types of bacteria.
  • It gets rid of dead skin and boosts the growth of new skin.

۵ Honey for Wrinkles Under Eyes Masks

It’s good to know that raw honey for wrinkles under eyes is easy to find and easy to use. Here are some of the natural and most common ways to use honey for wrinkles:

۱٫ Basic Face Mask

The simplest way to use honey for wrinkles under eyes is by washing your face normally with water. Then, in the morning or before you go to bed, you’ll apply raw honey as a face mask.

No need to use any cleanser before applying honey, because honey is a natural cleanser. Ideally, honey will remove bacteria and moisturize your skin. Leave the raw honey on your face for 15-20 minutes and rinse it with warm water.

۲٫ Combo Anti-aging Mask:

Raw honey is an amazing antiaging mask. Also, you can use honey in a recipe for an anti-aging mask. There are endless combinations and several recipes using whole foods.

Here’s the Combo antiaging mask that is simple, affordable and very effective:
  • ۲ tablespoons of raw honey.
  • A quarter of a ripe avocado.
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.

Raw honey has vitamin E, antioxidants, antifungal properties, B vitamins. Moreover, it will help soak up bacteria that can lead to acne and aging.

Apply this combo antiaging mask a few times a week and see results in around a month. you’ll notice fewer lines, smoother skin, and fewer breakouts.

۳٫Honey & Cinnamon:

The cinnamon really helps exfoliate your skin and producing new collagen which reduces wrinkles. Also, vinegar keeps your face skin hydrates preventing the appearance of wrinkles since it acts as a toner.

You’ll need:
  • ۱ tablespoon of honey
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Mix them together and apply it on your face for 30 minutes. For best results, apply the cinnamon and honey mask every night to get rid of wrinkles.

After you wash the mask, apply vinegar (1 part water and 1 part vinegar) that acts as a toner. Gently rub a cotton ball dipped in the toner all over your face to help tighten your skin.

۴٫ Honey & Bell Pepper Face Mask:

For this amazing anti-aging mask you’ll need four ingredients (oatmeal, milk, honey and bell pepper). They make the perfect combination to fight wrinkles and fine lines.

Basically, bell pepper has vitamin C that stimulates the production of collagen. Milk, of course, acts as a moisturizer since it has vitamin B. Honey is a powerful antibacterial and anti-aging ingredient. Oatmeal protects your facial skin from any damage caused by the sun.

You’ll need…
  • Honey
  • Bell pepper (any color)
  • Oatmeal
  • Milk
  • Blender
  • Cut ½ of colored bell pepper into chunks and put them in a blender.
  • Add 1 teaspoon oatmeal, 1 teaspoon milk, and 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Blend them well.

Apply it the anti-aging face mask and allow to dry for 15 – ۲۰ minutes before you to go to bed. In the morning, wash off the mask with warm water and gently pat dry with a soft towel. Try this powerful anti-aging mask to bed twice a week for firmer and wrinkle-free skin.

۵٫Honey, Avocado, & Flax Seed Face Mask

Finally, avocado is a powerful moisturizer that’s rich in vitamins A and E. These rejuvenating vitamins boost collagen production and soft skin. This anti-aging face mask reduces fine lines, renews the skin’s surface, prevents dehydration and improves elasticity.

You’ll need…
  • Ground flax seed meal
  • Avocado
  • Milk cream
  • Honey
  • Blender
  • Cut the avocado into small pieces after removing its skin and put it in the blender.
  • Add 2 teaspoons flaxseed meal and blend for 2 minutes to form a paste.
  • Add 1 tablespoon honey and 2 tablespoons milk cream and blend well.

Apply this anti-wrinkle mask to your face and neck 45 minutes until it has dried completely then sleep in it.  In the morning, wash the mask with warm water and use a gentle cleanser.

How To Make Sure That Honey Is Raw Or Processed?

Do you know that raw honey is much more beneficial than a processed one? Here are a few tips to look for raw honey:

  • Put a drop of honey on your thumb. If it spills or spreads, then, it’s not pure. If it stays intact, it’s raw and pure.
  • Raw honey crystallizes on storage, while processed honey remains transparent and in a syrup form no matter how long you store it.
  • Put a spoonful of honey in a glass of water. Processed honey instantly dissolves as you put in the water. However, raw honey settles at the bottom and gradually  dissolves as you stir.
  • Raw honey has fine textured crystals and looks heavier; contains flecks of honeycomb bits, pollens, and broken bee wing fragments. On the other hand, processed honey looks lucrative. Moreover, processed honey lacks medicinal ingredients because they are destroyed upon heating.

These are the 5 ways to use honey for wrinkles under eyes. I highly recommend you try honey and share your results with us. Also, let us know what natural remedies helped you get rid of wrinkles at home in the comment section below. We hope you live a youthful healthy life! Cheers.


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